POSTPONED – Henry V with Alex Baggett
Event date(s):New dates to be announced Here short videoclip from last time 😉

“Maestro” the fantastic improv show with Kevin Miller
Event date(s):Maestro is back again! Maestro is the legendary highly sophisticated improv show CONTEST that puts YOU in charge as AUDIENCE of an Artistic Competition ! Twelve improvisers take the stage and you, the audience, score every scene you see. The game pieces march across the scoreboard; the lowest-scoring players are gradually knocked out; and at […]

“Guards! Guards!” is SOLD OUT
Event date(s):Cry out for the city watch and English Theatre Utrecht will come! One of the past shows ETU already brought to out Theatre! Here is the shortcut of the “Breaking the Code” :

Palas Pandiras – Improvisation show in Turkish 8 March
Event date(s):Tickets : https://badhuistheater.weticket.io/palas-pandiras-turkish-improv-theater-march-8-1900 Oyuncular hakkında (ENGLISH BELOW) Harika geçen 8 haftalık kursun ardından sahneye çıkmaya hazırız. Bu süreçte ekip olmayı, doğaçlamanın büyülü dünyasını öğrendik ve en önemlisi bol bol kahkaha attık. Bekleyin, sizi hem şaşırtacak hem de bolca güldüreceğiz. Gülümseyin, geliyoruz! Palas Pandıras ekibi hakkinda Mesut Yılmazyıldırım , doğaçlama tiyatronun enerjisini geniş kitlelere ulaştırma misyonuyla […]

‘Alive and Kicking’ met live band ‘The Imposters’ 28 Maart 19:30
Event date(s):Alive en Kicking is terug! Neem je lievelings vriend/vriendin mee, of kom alleen en maak nieuwe vrienden :). Ouderwets dansen op live rockmuziek, met daarna een DJ. Programma: Deuren open 19:30 Band 20:15 DJ 10:30-00:00 Alive and Kicking is back! With live band “the Imposters ” Take you favorite friend or come and find […]

Campfire DSL ; A Night of Staged Readings 4 and 5 April 20:00
Event date(s):THE Campfire is back, with a special night of staged readings of new short plays, offering an excellent opportunity for writers to showcase their work in front of an audience and receive valuable feedback. All the plays featured at our Campfire nights are selected from new Amsterdam-based writers. Submissions for plays are open till 28-2, […]

“Midsummer Nights Dream” by ‘Bring’er Shakespeare’ Regie: Will Sutton 22 & 23 April
Event date(s):“Bring’er Shakespeare” plays “Midsummer Night’s Dream,” on Shakespeare’s Birthday in the Badhuistheater 22 & 23 April 20:00. Step into a World of Whimsy and Wonder! (Foto Anne van den Bendt ) Experience the magical brilliance of Shakespeare’s “Midsummer Night’s Dream,” a comedy that weaves together love, laughter, and mischief in a forest filled with fairies, […]

The “CRUCIBLE ” by Arthur Miller – InPlayers 15-18 May
Event date(s):We have a Wonderful piece of Theatrical History at the Badhuistheater. The “ Crucible” by Arthur Miller 1915 – 2005 is One of the most frequently played modern Plays ( written 1953 ) from the last 100 years.Miller himself was the son of a Polish Jewish immigrant . What is The Crucible about ? This […]

Lummelbout door Theater Toetssteen 19 en 20 Juni 20:00
Event date(s):Als columnist van Het Parool schuwt Roos Schlikker geen enkel onderwerp. Of dat nu de bipolaire stoornis is van haar moeder of haar jongste zoon die opeens als ‘Arend Hitler’ de kamer in komt marcheren. Een selectie bundelen tot een boek lijkt haar een goed idee. Ze besluit in één weekend de klus te klaren. […]

IRISH Centenary Brendan Behan
Event date(s):Video Clip SCARPERER 30/9/22 https://youtu.be/maXRRbAlXuQ Video Link PLAYGIRL https://youtu.be/vnXqWY4j4Rc TRAILER in NEDERLANDS “The PlayGIRL” Oost Online. https://oost-online.nl/in-het-badhuistheater-the-playgirl-of-the-western-world/